What Adipex Diet Do You Need to Follow with Your Prescription?

Adipex Diet to Follow

Adipex is a really popular prescription diet pill, and it has been for a long time. Also known as Phentermine, this is a stimulant that can help suppress your appetite and help you lose 5% of your weight, according to Prevention. But, here’s the thing: you can only use it for a short span of time before you need to stop, so they aren’t the best diet pills for long-term weight loss support. It can cause side effects, and it can lead to dependency, particularly if you don’t use it as directed. So, while you are taking it, you have to make the most of it. And, one of the ways to do just that is by following the right eating plan.

What is the best diet that you can follow when you are taking Adipex in order to get the best results? Keep reading to get the answer to this often-asked question.

Start an Adipex Diet by Reducing Calories

One of the first things that you need to do when preparing to take Adipex is analyze what you commonly eat, and how many calories are in those foods.

Then, work with your physician to determine how many calories you should be consuming every day to maintain your health and lose weight at the same time throughout your Adipex diet.

Finally, start eliminating foods that are high in calories, and replace them with foods that are tasty and low in calories. That way, you won’t feel deprived, but you will be taking a smart step towards shedding the excess pounds.

Get Plenty of Protein and Fiber

Eating foods that are higher in protein can help you get full fast and keep you full for longer. The same holds true for foods that are high in fiber. So, aim to incorporate more high fiber and high protein foods into your diet.

Plus, the protein will help you build muscle (you should be exercising while you are working on slimming down, after all), and the fiber will help you maintain a healthy digestive tract that keeps waste moving through so you aren’t holding onto anything that you shouldn’t.

Side note: even if you are following a plant-based diet, don’t worry, as there loads of protein-rich foods from plants too!

Foods That You Should Limit or Avoid Completely

There are certain foods and beverages that are best avoided as much as possible while you are trying to slim down with Adipex. Those include:

  • Alcoholic beverages
  • Foods and drinks that are high in sugar
  • Simple carbs

Talk to Your Doctor for More Advice

Following these guidelines can help you get great results while taking Adipex. If you still aren’t sure about how you should eat, talk to your doctor for personalized advice.

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